
Why Join?

The American Legion Riders (ALR) is a program for members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of The American Legion, collectively “The Legion Family,” who share an interest in motorcycling. The ALR will uphold the declared principles of The American Legion as well as conform to and abide by the rules, regulations and decisions of the department, post, or other duly constituted governing body.

Chapter 626 -Birdsboro was chartered October 22, 2015

Membership: Be a current “Family” of the “American Legion” (Any Legion-either a full-active member, Sons of the American Legion (SALS) or an Auxiliary member).

Members will not hold membership in more than one chapter of ALR at one time. Members must be the legally registered owner of a motorcycle, 250cc or above, or the married spouse of the legally registered owner. All operators must be properly licensed and insured per their state rules and regulations. Riders that have a physical limitation that prevents operation and/or ownership of a motorcycle can remain active members; however, they must have been a member of the ALR, Department of Pennsylvania for a minimum of two continuous years. All the ALR, Department of Pennsylvania membership cards will be provided to the Regional Directors for distribution by The American Legion, Department of Pennsylvania.

Annual dues: $12 payable by attending a meeting/completing application and providing proof of MC insurance (yearly). Must also maintain a current Legion (full, SALS or Auxiliary) membership. A separate ALR membership card will be issued once application is processed by the State. Renewals due every October.

Meetings are held every month upstairs on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00pm.  Membership cards are good for the calendar year in which issued,

Follow us on face book “American Legion Riders Post 626 Birdsboro PA” (and/or) Email: alriders626@gmail.com